Quant Insights Conference London 2016
For the curious:
We work with data from http://quandl.com. First, the total number of bitcoins mined.
import quandl as q
bn = q.get('BCHAIN/TOTBC') / 1e6 # in millions
bn.plot(figsize=(10, 6));
The total number of transactions.
bt = q.get('BCHAIN/NTRAT') / 1e6 # in millions
bt.plot(figsize=(10, 6));
The USD/Bitcoin exchange rate.
be = q.get('BCHAIN/MKPRU')
be.plot(figsize=(10, 6));
The market capitalization in USD.
bm = q.get('BCHAIN/MKTCP') / 1e9 # in billions
bm.plot(figsize=(10, 6));
The hashrate of the Bitcoin mining network. How many giga hashes per second (GH/s) does the bitcoin mining network calculate per second?
bh = q.get('BCHAIN/HRATE')
bh.plot(figsize=(10, 6));
The bitcoin mining difficulty. How hard is it to mine a new bitcoin block?
bd = q.get('BCHAIN/DIFF') / 1e9 # in billions
bd.plot(figsize=(10, 6));
From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hash_function:
A hash function is any function that can be used to map data of arbitrary size to data of fixed size. The values returned by a hash function are called hash values, hash codes, hash sums, or simply hashes.
The first simplistic hash function that we consider maps any string to a three digit integer. It uses ordinal numbers of one-character string objects.
The implementation of the simplistic hash function ("average integer ordinal number").
def hash_function(text):
value = sum([ord(l) for l in text]) / len(text)
return '%03d' % value
Some examples.
Collisions are easily found.
Our function has a target space of 10 bits (only).
2 ** 10
Modern hash functions have a target space of 128 bits, i.e. $2^{128} - 1$ possible values.
2 ** 128
hex(2 ** 128)
len(hex(2 ** 128)) - 3
Or 256 bits.
2 ** 256
hex(2 ** 256)
len(hex(2 ** 256)) - 3
Or even 384 bits.
2 ** 384
hex(2 ** 384)
len(hex(2 ** 384)) - 3
The universe is assumed to consist of $10^{80}$ atoms.
10 ** 80
hex(10 ** 80)
len(hex(10 ** 80)) - 3 # close to 2 ** 256
We require the following properties from a hash function:
First, importing Python's hashing function library.
import hashlib
The first MD5
hash codes (cf. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MD5).
md5_1 = hashlib.md5(b'yves').hexdigest()
md5_2 = hashlib.md5(b'yves2').hexdigest()
hashlib.md5(b'Dr. Yves Johannes Hilpisch').hexdigest()
We define first a character set of lower case letters only.
import string
charset = string.ascii_lowercase
Hash codes for all single characters in charset
for c in charset:
md5 = hashlib.md5(c.encode('ascii'))
print(c, md5.hexdigest())
a 0cc175b9c0f1b6a831c399e269772661 b 92eb5ffee6ae2fec3ad71c777531578f c 4a8a08f09d37b73795649038408b5f33 d 8277e0910d750195b448797616e091ad e e1671797c52e15f763380b45e841ec32 f 8fa14cdd754f91cc6554c9e71929cce7 g b2f5ff47436671b6e533d8dc3614845d h 2510c39011c5be704182423e3a695e91 i 865c0c0b4ab0e063e5caa3387c1a8741 j 363b122c528f54df4a0446b6bab05515 k 8ce4b16b22b58894aa86c421e8759df3 l 2db95e8e1a9267b7a1188556b2013b33 m 6f8f57715090da2632453988d9a1501b n 7b8b965ad4bca0e41ab51de7b31363a1 o d95679752134a2d9eb61dbd7b91c4bcc p 83878c91171338902e0fe0fb97a8c47a q 7694f4a66316e53c8cdd9d9954bd611d r 4b43b0aee35624cd95b910189b3dc231 s 03c7c0ace395d80182db07ae2c30f034 t e358efa489f58062f10dd7316b65649e u 7b774effe4a349c6dd82ad4f4f21d34c v 9e3669d19b675bd57058fd4664205d2a w f1290186a5d0b1ceab27f4e77c0c5d68 x 9dd4e461268c8034f5c8564e155c67a6 y 415290769594460e2e485922904f345d z fbade9e36a3f36d3d676c1b808451dd7
Now doing brute force hash code cracking — 'knowing' that the relevant word has a maximum of 4 characters.
import itertools as it
for i in range(1, 5):
print('%d CHARACTERS USED NOW' % i)
pm = it.product(charset, repeat=i)
for comb in pm:
comb = ''.join(comb)
md5 = hashlib.md5(comb.encode('ascii')).hexdigest()
if md5 == md5_1:
print(comb, md5)
1 CHARACTERS USED NOW 2 CHARACTERS USED NOW 3 CHARACTERS USED NOW 4 CHARACTERS USED NOW SUCCESS yves afe3bd960b4c46a68580c4e564cca24e CPU times: user 923 ms, sys: 10.9 ms, total: 934 ms Wall time: 1 s
Let us enlarge the character set to include digits as well.
charset2 = string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits
Time to crack the second hash code increases due to greater passworword length and larger character set.
from itertools import product
import time
t0 = time.time()
z = 0
for i in range(1, 6):
print('%d CHARACTERS USED NOW' % i)
pm = it.product(charset2, repeat=i)
for comb in pm:
comb = ''.join(comb)
md5 = hashlib.md5(comb.encode('ascii')).hexdigest()
z += 1
if md5 == md5_2:
print(comb, md5)
sec = time.time() - t0
print('time in sec: %.1f' % sec)
The algorithm has checked about 43 mn hashes before being successful. This represents a speed of about 450,000 hashes per second.
z / sec
Dedicated password cracking tools like Hashcat
(cf. http://hashcat.net) allow for a much faster and more intelligent/targeted approach.
Let us check how long Hashcat
needs to find the password yves2
stored as an MD5
hash. We assume:
r1 = '''
Session.Name...: hashcat
Status.........: Cracked
Input.Mode.....: Mask (?1?1?1?1?1) [5]
Custom.Chars...: -1 ?l?d, -2 Undefined, -3 Undefined, -4 Undefined
Hash.Target....: 664d839e06bada38ce04f7208896efdf
Hash.Type......: MD5
Time.Started...: Mon Aug 22 19:34:16 2016 (2 secs)
Speed.Dev.#1...: 13710.9 kH/s (0.94ms)
Recovered......: 1/1 (100.00%) Digests, 1/1 (100.00%) Salts
Progress.......: 28803600/60466176 (47.64%)
Rejected.......: 0/28803600 (0.00%)
Restore.Point..: 799470/1679616 (47.60%)
Started: Mon Aug 22 19:34:16 2016
Stopped: Mon Aug 22 19:34:22 2016
real 0m6.055s
user 0m1.750s
sys 0m1.490s
Mask attacks are some of the most powerful tools (strategies) in password cracking. It relies on the fact that human beings like to use certain (easy to remember) structures for their passwords. An interesting analysis is found here: https://www.praetorian.com/blog/statistics-will-crack-your-password-mask-structure. The major finding is:
An example: lisa2008
= name of daughter born in 2008
Let us consider the following case. A password is assumed to consist of upper case letters, lower case letters and digits. In this case, we make use of insights about "humanly generated passwords". I.e. we do a so-called mask attack where we implement the following rules:
)We assume a structure like Abbbb1992
r2 = '''
Session.Name...: hashcat
Status.........: Cracked
Input.Mode.....: Mask (?u?l?l?l?l?d?d?d?d) [9]
Hash.Target....: 8769d3723ec8f853d91f28208e97acce
Hash.Type......: MD5
Time.Started...: Mon Aug 22 17:39:32 2016 (10 mins, 23 secs)
Speed.Dev.#1...: 42944.7 kH/s (13.43ms)
Recovered......: 1/1 (100.00%) Digests, 1/1 (100.00%) Salts
Progress.......: 27138885360/118813760000 (22.84%)
Rejected.......: 0/27138885360 (0.00%)
Restore.Point..: 1543910/6760000 (22.84%)
Started: Mon Aug 22 17:39:32 2016
Stopped: Mon Aug 22 17:50:03 2016
real 10m30.744s
user 12m24.880s
sys 0m35.770s
Cheapest Nvidia GPU (about 30 EUR net of VAT) reaches a MD5
hashing speed of about 400MH/s.
High-end Nvidia GPU cluster Brutalis reaches a MD5
hashing speed of about 200GH/s (cf. https://gist.github.com/epixoip/a83d38f412b4737e99bbef804a270c40).
Dedicated Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) chips reach even higher speed at much lower cost. AntMiner S5 achieves a speed of 1,155 GH/s for Bitcoin mining (SHA256
). Used at Amazon for about 200 EUR.
Let us electronically sign a message The Python Quants send to someone else. To this end, we combine hashing with RSA encryption.
m = b'Hello FROM The Python Quants.' * 5
We generate a hash code for the message.
from Cryptodome.Hash import SHA256
h = SHA256.new(m)
hd = h.hexdigest()
We next sign the message, i.e. we encrypt the hash code with the private key from before.
from Cryptodome.Signature import PKCS1_v1_5
from Cryptodome.PublicKey import RSA
key = RSA.generate(2048)
signer = PKCS1_v1_5.new(key)
signature = signer.sign(h) # private key
Someone else — i.e. the receiver of our message — who knows our public key can now verify that we have signed the message as follows.
hashcode = SHA256.new(m)
PKCS1_v1_5.new(key.publickey()).verify(hashcode, signature) # public key
Let us now illustrate the basic idea behind a block chain based on a very simple example first. Recall the properties of hash functions that we require (collision resistence, hiding, puzzle friendliness). Let us focus on collision resistence and hiding for the moment.
As a starter, it is obviously easy to calculate the hash value of a string ("first block"), for instance, as follows:
import hashlib
b1 = 'Jil, 2004' # our first dog
h1 = hashlib.md5(b1.encode('ascii')).hexdigest() # hash for first block
It is highly unlikely that another input yields the same output. It is also really difficult ("almost impossible") to find the input given a certain ouput.
A block chain can be used to document events over time (e.g. transactions, new dogs). To this end, we take the hash code from the first block, add the second block information and calculate a new hash value:
b2 = h1 + ', Liz, 2009'
h2 = hashlib.md5(b2.encode('ascii')).hexdigest()
A third block is as easily added:
b3 = h2 + ', Phineas, 2011'
h3 = hashlib.md5(b3.encode('ascii')).hexdigest()
Our block chain now is:
Jil, 2004
db29bc3f87a84f227d3b4bc7b19a3c6a, Liz, 2009
db71b4766173bd93b965af8888262b51, Phineas, 2011
There is one major problem with this approach: the block chain is really easy to manipulate since you only need to re-calculate the whole chain. You have all the information needed.
We need add therefore one security measure to avoid manipulation (in theory): signing of the last hash value.
# signing
from Cryptodome.Hash import MD5
md5 = MD5.new(b3.encode('ascii'))
signature = PKCS1_v1_5.new(key).sign(md5) # private key
b'\x05!\x8c\x12vG\xdf7\x88]0|\xfd\r\x93\xa5\xecD\xaaf\xf4\xbc\xa8*\x95\xbb@\x90\x15%=\xce\x88\xdb R(\x03Ek\xcda\xfb\x06L\x9f\x8a\\\xdft]\x8d{\xe6\xabYv\xbc1-X\x0f\x13\xf2\x19T\xb3\xe2\xdf\x86;\x16P\x0c\xef\x81\x88\x9b\x83Z\xef`r\x9d\xdf\xb5\x84\x8ai\xbe\xb2\x95t\x99\xe4g\xdb\xdb\xac\xd2g\xbd0\xcb\xf8\xdf\x94\x0e\xf9w\\\x9c\xbe\xc8\x007\x90\x94r\x05\x91:bre\x84\xdfL\x96\x99\x84y\x9a&w^p\xc5\xb9!\x8dff\x13c\x010x}b\xb3\x19\x1fQ\x96\xe3\x7f6!\x14:\xa1!\x82J\xeb\xe0\xda8kAr.\xe41\xbauNf9\xf9\xd5\xcf\xba\x16M|\xf7\xee\xdc\xd5\x11\x97\xf7Uh\xe6\xd4$XF\x86\x1f\xad2YQ:Q\x91\xd5\xd4\xc1$\x1a\xe6\xbf\xf8\xb2\x85\xfe\xc7\xdbD\x08}\xd1\xe2\xd2\xe5\x121\xdb\xa2\xf3\xac\x04|a\xa4_\xeeJ\x9c\xc7\x86\x9fb\x1a/ZqKI\xb9\xf2'
If we can make sure that the private key is safe, then the block chain plus the signature for the final hash value are "almost impossible" to manipulate — although all the information is publicly available.
b1, b2, b3, h3, signature
('Jil, 2004', 'db29bc3f87a84f227d3b4bc7b19a3c6a, Liz, 2009', 'db71b4766173bd93b965af8888262b51, Phineas, 2011', '7d00c38e077282a822ee91c69fccd547', b'\x05!\x8c\x12vG\xdf7\x88]0|\xfd\r\x93\xa5\xecD\xaaf\xf4\xbc\xa8*\x95\xbb@\x90\x15%=\xce\x88\xdb R(\x03Ek\xcda\xfb\x06L\x9f\x8a\\\xdft]\x8d{\xe6\xabYv\xbc1-X\x0f\x13\xf2\x19T\xb3\xe2\xdf\x86;\x16P\x0c\xef\x81\x88\x9b\x83Z\xef`r\x9d\xdf\xb5\x84\x8ai\xbe\xb2\x95t\x99\xe4g\xdb\xdb\xac\xd2g\xbd0\xcb\xf8\xdf\x94\x0e\xf9w\\\x9c\xbe\xc8\x007\x90\x94r\x05\x91:bre\x84\xdfL\x96\x99\x84y\x9a&w^p\xc5\xb9!\x8dff\x13c\x010x}b\xb3\x19\x1fQ\x96\xe3\x7f6!\x14:\xa1!\x82J\xeb\xe0\xda8kAr.\xe41\xbauNf9\xf9\xd5\xcf\xba\x16M|\xf7\xee\xdc\xd5\x11\x97\xf7Uh\xe6\xd4$XF\x86\x1f\xad2YQ:Q\x91\xd5\xd4\xc1$\x1a\xe6\xbf\xf8\xb2\x85\xfe\xc7\xdbD\x08}\xd1\xe2\xd2\xe5\x121\xdb\xa2\xf3\xac\x04|a\xa4_\xeeJ\x9c\xc7\x86\x9fb\x1a/ZqKI\xb9\xf2')
Another idea is to make it hard to construct another block chain with the same inputs (but in different sequence) or other inputs that satisfies a certain property. Let us define that only hash values with five zeros at the end are allowed. To this end, we must allow for an additional input parameter.
n = 0
while True:
b = str(n) + ', ' + b1
md5 = hashlib.md5(b.encode('ascii')).hexdigest()
if md5[-5:] == '00000':
print(b + ' --> ' + md5)
n += 1
1300915, Jil, 2004 --> 34b87ffb902576b7f2fdeea557500000 CPU times: user 3.24 s, sys: 24.1 ms, total: 3.27 s Wall time: 3.33 s
Someone wanting to manipulate the block chain must put in much more effort in this case than without such a requirement. The difficulty can easily be increased by requiring eg more trailing zeros.
n = 0
while True:
b = str(n) + ', ' + b1
md5 = hashlib.md5(b.encode('ascii')).hexdigest()
if md5[-6:] == '000000':
print(b + ' --> ' + md5)
n += 1
15086119, Jil, 2004 --> ec1ddd68e721e015e44b58adf7000000 CPU times: user 36.4 s, sys: 210 ms, total: 36.6 s Wall time: 37.1 s
The first security measure "signing" is vulnerable to stealing the private key (especially when multiple versions exist, e.g. due to backups). The second one "targeting" to sheer brute force. A combination of both, of course, works as well — and is probably more secure.
Another approach that adds some security is to use a random, publicly known, fixed initial hash.
import os
h0 = os.urandom(16).hex()
b1 = h0 + ', Jil, 2004' # our first dog
h1 = hashlib.md5(b1.encode('ascii')).hexdigest() # hash for first block
Bitcoin mining is based on SHA256
hash codes (cf. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SHA-2)
sha256 = hashlib.sha256('yves'.encode('ascii'))
The idea behind mining is to find a hash code that is 'small enough', i.e. lies below a certain target level (mainly defined by 'leading zeros' in the target hex value).
target = '%064x' % (1000000000 << 200)
The original hash code for python
is not small enough.
sha256.hexdigest() < target
However, adding (a) certain number(s) to the string, yields a hash code small enough.
sh = hashlib.sha256(b'%dyves' % 23240167).hexdigest()
sh < target
The following code simulates a mining procedure.
i = 0
while True:
sha256 = hashlib.sha256(b'%d' % i + b'yves')
if sha256.hexdigest() < target:
print(i, sha256.hexdigest())
# break
if i % 2500000 == 0:
i += 1
if i > 55000000:
0 2500000 5000000 7500000 10000000 12500000 15000000 17500000 20000000 22500000 SUCCESS 23240167 00000003b04fad4b30a527760fea6ee5beec8035ef636316c2bf2577b2789611 25000000 SUCCESS 27090678 00000007a53f0b5163e1cb7ade64881e4eb3e06f9c102ad72a19c942223ba82b 27500000 30000000 32500000 35000000 37500000 40000000 42500000 45000000 47500000 50000000 SUCCESS 50427211 000000099f6760417f3b2161a9ba9e989c62da1745d949267d5b648edaa21496 52500000 55000000 CPU times: user 2min 8s, sys: 874 ms, total: 2min 9s Wall time: 2min 13s
The time to find a suitable hash code depends on the input string.
i = 0
while True:
sha256 = hashlib.sha256(b'%d' % i + b'yveshilpisch')
if sha256.hexdigest() < target:
print(i, sha256.hexdigest())
# break
if i % 2500000 == 0:
i += 1
if i > 55000000:
0 2500000 5000000 7500000 10000000 12500000 15000000 17500000 20000000 22500000 25000000 27500000 30000000 32500000 35000000 37500000 40000000 42500000 45000000 47500000 50000000 52500000 55000000 CPU times: user 2min 9s, sys: 885 ms, total: 2min 10s Wall time: 2min 13s
The following example is from http://www.righto.com/2014/02/bitcoin-mining-hard-way-algorithms.html and is about a 'real' bitcoin block and how to mine it wih Python.
In what follows we need the struct
module (cf. https://docs.python.org/3/library/struct.html).
import struct
import binascii
import hashlib
The basic elements of a bitcoin block.
The elements translated into Python code. Cf. also https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Block_hashing_algorithm.
ver = 2
prev_block = b'000000000000000117c80378b8da0e33559b5997f2ad55e2f7d18ec1975b9717'
mrkl_root = b'871714dcbae6c8193a2bb9b2a69fe1c0440399f38d94b3a0f1b447275a29978a'
time_ = 0x53058b35 # 2014-02-20 04:57:25
bits = 0x19015f53 # difficulty
Cf. https://bitcoinwisdom.com/bitcoin/difficulty for data about mining difficulty and hash rates. See also https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Difficulty.
The following code snippets illustrate the derivation of the target value which is the upper limit for a successful hash code. Cf. https://www.codecademy.com/courses/python-intermediate-en-KE1UJ/0/1 for bitwise operations in Python.
ex = bits >> 24
mant = bits & 0xffffff
8 * (ex - 3)
The concrete values for the difficulty/target hash.
target_hexstr = '%064x' % (mant * (1 << (8 * (ex - 3))))
target_str = binascii.unhexlify(target_hexstr)
target_str # C struct
The nonce
is the value which is to be added to the other block elements during the hash code generation. One looks for the nonce
that gives a hash code smaller than the target level.
nonce = 850000000
# nonce = 856192328
# Block 286819
# check under https://blockexplorer.com
Finally, the Python code to do the mining activitiy. Basically, the nonce
values gets increased by 1 during the look, a new hash code is generated and compared to the target level.
while nonce < 0x100000000:
header = (struct.pack("<L", ver)
+ binascii.unhexlify(prev_block)[::-1]
+ binascii.unhexlify(mrkl_root)[::-1]
+ struct.pack("<LLL", time_, bits, nonce))
hs = hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(header).digest()).digest()
if nonce % 200000 == 0:
print(nonce, binascii.hexlify(hs[::-1]))
if binascii.hexlify(hs[::-1]) < binascii.hexlify(target_str):
print(nonce, binascii.hexlify(hs[::-1]))
nonce += 1
850000000 b'2d06d5717ef51ce987ec0f0e4823620f8d9d2d6556174103297a6099900a04c0' 850200000 b'879860b11769268f1e5ca7df9a763a7daf63911d2e25eb599db5bd295eba15ee' 850400000 b'b00da7ec454b36fd7f7f96fd973361e56c8f19d252b95b4ada21d49dc6751001' 850600000 b'ed546943a811deed9a2e37a74fda8a66b60d93f80db8f98d02fac8209c116862' 850800000 b'275944cb52b35cc3993bd286e3861afbc246c7de7ed274da917cc22d05cd2bf5' 851000000 b'2caff003e29dfc2ec7130a20d84118580a48d81627e0a766a6450a14404aa030' 851200000 b'5328e4e15f9143668ee761fcd6703b4bbb491962d18d0198acb036eaddec27d4' 851400000 b'961beb37d43cb3e9ec00b12ad6999e7599f2671dc9bd0529cbb4825e045ef6ad' 851600000 b'58c3abc58a3fcccda18f205cc124bcfce61d244b46bb70161da040e346429b61' 851800000 b'4e0bc5299ef60ee2e542b3db8c17a1fc37b423d7d04a90b8afdca7d637a58879' 852000000 b'47c01a53e024c253601f54332790483091888c463d8b8647c8d6f7e078eafb9b' 852200000 b'53c762141e8c9d615dc50b9f3dbc7923d770e8909b1e9a2d3a07e4bb5bc4cbe1' 852400000 b'1bd5babc0d87efd848b56e09cf7cc46c95923864cc2924aa2a1c5fc71835ec21' 852600000 b'1906382ef5f88e718a0a3f511300278828b9e066f0f17538bb0a004789ce03f1' 852800000 b'b9cd34c3e42796b3acfdbade72f80f58d6d25210dd69bd7e2e07a1b1f11dcb44' 853000000 b'4691fb160b2d339e2a54e95f81b891d46acd7f68754b0bd1f4b6942ca0c804ca' 853200000 b'61988103dd17e23ded0344340f3b0f264cb8d96132730cf48ebc34b06377a75b' 853400000 b'ee63a5132d8126c255f73d48e02eec5c7b3d3fb91c447a74aa13b9c982dbbbf6' 853600000 b'6cac0791a530a9e3b8b53d72cbaa2fb46c14c5e65d843e08ab656444bea9a9ea' 853800000 b'75ebeafea5b28c3121000dcf48e023aa829a2a2644afbe530d2b631ed8906bdf' 854000000 b'b261dbf2a4d3178730c06c7d37b3d3f104b9b0c8266cc0bf8ddcffb88ee3e620' 854200000 b'4e7174dc8891c4cf1e6e97dc62166961a289f88206bdd383ba0c31a027610e4f' 854400000 b'0da8de618a00dd0aa71af0ff3350cd78435f10b160a06dee0578caf5bcab38b9' 854600000 b'20e6560f3b64596d9632005d9464d83a3125eb2faef9e34349fd7409869fef51' 854800000 b'e1f78c86fb5afb69ade79f1ba6a0b2f059fd04c1826b74dc7dd99f1ce1148c39' 855000000 b'c56c40696263177bce80ee786c31f5d488d5bab570efb4abee25acb004088645' 855200000 b'96519548a733cc53746e0b07b62f7c0ebb1389a6c4cb8d30309b1f24d78eff26' 855400000 b'18379a22c13f193c9cdb0d5e6eccc2745bc0c95402162ca9721c0dc286c8d61d' 855600000 b'0233a14315cf2b61fce61b534d530c6087e805731bf52fd8f273a24c0806024c' 855800000 b'b0603f071da6f70c98dd66d59be05bc9da7e5a144a7cd4088eac3fccf85f2579' 856000000 b'634192b589ea881333b5e566873ecbaaf8addc5d7ef4240f8e8c1325c29c4c7a' 856192328 b'0000000000000000e067a478024addfecdc93628978aa52d91fabd4292982a50' success CPU times: user 46.9 s, sys: 446 ms, total: 47.4 s Wall time: 49.7 s
The following are the hard-coded transaction hashes for the Bitcoin block under consideration (http://www.righto.com/2014/02/bitcoin-mining-hard-way-algorithms.html).
# https://blockexplorer.com/rawblock/0000000000000000e067a478024addfecdc93628978aa52d91fabd4292982a50
txHashes = [
Function to generate the (pair-wise) Merkle hash.
# hash pairs of items recursively until a single value is obtained
def merkle(hashList):
if len(hashList) == 1:
return hashList[0]
newHashList = []
# process pairs; for odd length, the last is skipped
for i in range(0, len(hashList)-1, 2):
newHashList.append(hash2(hashList[i], hashList[i+1]))
if len(hashList) % 2 == 1: # odd, hash last item twice
newHashList.append(hash2(hashList[-1], hashList[-1]))
return merkle(newHashList)
def hash2(a, b):
# reverse inputs before and after hashing
# due to big-endian / little-endian nonsense
a1 = binascii.unhexlify(a)[::-1]
b1 = binascii.unhexlify(b)[::-1]
h = hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(a1 + b1).digest()).digest()
return binascii.hexlify(h[::-1])
Finally, the Merkle hash code for the above transaction hashes as found in the block header.
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